
Learn more about The Sandro Demaio Foundation and our work in the media.



International Journal of Obesity

Interventions for treating children and adolescents with overweight and obesity: an overview of Cochrane reviews

“Children and adolescents with overweight and obesity are a global health concern. This is an integrative overview of six Cochrane systematic reviews…”


The Conversation

Health Beyond the Horizon

"A snapshot of pressing issues in global health through honest, pragmatic discussion – and the occasional passion-inspired rant..."


The Lancet

Social lobbying: a call to arms for public health

Published 21 April 2018


2018 Business for Peace Summit

Interview with Jamie Oliver

"Everyday you go shopping you can make a vote..."


The Medical Journal of Australia

Young Man on the Move

"Dr Alessandro Demaio is determined to bring his generation and those younger to the forefront of the fight against non-communicable diseases and global poverty..."


Food Sustainability Index

One Bite-Sized Solution to Our Biggest Health Threats

"Today’s food systems also have a significant impact on our health – our diets are now the leading risk factor for the global burden of disease..."

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Gardening Australia

Healthy Habits

"Costa Georgiadis visits Dr Sandro Demaio, from ABC’s Ask the Doctor, at his family home on the Mornington Peninsula..."

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Sandro Demaio Isn't Here to Preach

"We chat to the founder of a sustainable food festival with food by Feast of Merit, chats with Julian Burnside and Stephanie Alexander, and tunes from a choir of nonnas..."

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The Australian Women's Weekly

The Good Life

"A passion for food and family lies at the heart of Doctor Sandro Demaio's mission to change the world. He shares his vision for tackling the obesity epidemic..."


Delicious Magazine

The one diet that could change the world

Dr Sandro Demaio is a man on a mission, finds Meg Mason. In a new book, the public health and nutrition expert spreads his message to the people: good food is the key to a healthy population and planet..."